Stanford Primary

Wellbeing Curriculum

 Intent and Overview

The intent of our Wellbeing Curriculum is to provide children with the learning opportunities and experiences they need which will develop the attitudes, attributes and values we at PACE Academy Trust believe our children need to best prepare them for life in and beyond school. These are:

As young people:

Our children are open-minded, considerate, respectful, confident and happy.

 As learners:

Our children are curious, enthusiastic, reflective, resilient and ambitious.

 As citizens:

Our children understand their place in both local and global communities. They are beginning to understand how they can contribute to society and help others.

 As individuals:

Our children are able to make informed choices to keep themselves healthy and safe.



Our Wellbeing Curriculum is delivered through a combination of structured weekly lessons which are centred around exploring a key theme that encompasses the learning intentions for each year group which have been based on the coverage by the PSHE Association

Children in Nursery and Reception are supported with their Personal, Social and Emotional development in line with the whole school themes of the Wellbeing Curriculum which are offered in addition to the daily support and provision they have in this Prime Area.

Children with Special, Educational Needs including those who attend the Specialist Provision, follow the Wellbeing Curriculum for their year group. The curriculum is adapted and delivered in a way that supports their current stages of development, for example, through Attention Autism. Children may be offered additional sessions and provision which is specific to their needs such as through Life Skills or Zones of Regulation sessions. 

Alongside these lessons, is a wider range of wellbeing opportunities which support the personal, social and emotional development of our pupils.  These include our Assembly themes which incorporate the Keys to Success; Confidence; Co-operation; Organisation and Resilience, which underpin our ‘You Can Do It’ philosophy that runs throughout our school.  

We also take part in Votes for Schools which includes a new weekly topic that is explored by participating schools nationally.  Classes learn and debate topical questions before casting a vote of their answer. These take place in whole school and class assembly sessions. 

We develop Pupil Leadership and Voice through the use of the Pupil Leadership Team which consists of Year 6 pupils who have been nominated due to their excellence in displaying the Keys to Success throughout their time at Stanford. The roles include Head and Deputy Girl and Boy, Prefects and House Captains. The Leadership Team support with the weekly Celebration Assembly and during House Day events.

We also have a School Council consisting of two elected members from each class in Years 1-6. The School Council works collaboratively with the Leadership Team on further school improvement as well as on matters that are important to the pupils such as fundraising. 

Alongside the curriculum aspects, we also offer a wider range of universal and specific pastoral support including ‘Drop in’ sessions, Nurture Groups, Lunch Time Club and therapeutic support. In addition to these are the wider range of events which enable children to showcase their talents or develop new skills including Music Recital, Express events, Diversity Week and International Evening and inter school sporting fixtures.




Stanford Primary School Wellbeing Curriculum Overview 

Respecting ourselves and others

Families and Friendships

Making Safe Choices

Belonging to a Community

Healthy, Happy Me

Growing up and Moving on

What makes a good learner?


What makes a good classmate?


What makes a good friend?


How can my actions affect others?

Celebrating Difference Week


How can I resolve conflict?


Where do I belong?

What/who helps me to keep safe?


How do I keep myself safe?


Keeping Safe Week

How can we look after other living things?


What effect do we have on our environment?


How can we look after our environment?

What does being ‘healthy’ mean?


What can I do to keep myself healthy?


Wellbeing Week 

How can I manage my feelings?


My Money Week


What happens when we grow up?


How do I manage change?


Wellbeing Curriculum - Autumn Term

Wellbeing Curriculum - Spring Term

Wellbeing Curriculum - Summer Term




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